
Welcome to 180 Degrees Consulting Barcelona, your gateway to real and impactful consulting services. Founded with the aim of bridging the gap between traditional consulting and pro-bono services, our branch is dedicated to assisting non-profits and social enterprises in making a meaningful difference within their communities. Our carefully selected student consultants collaborate with these organizations, developing innovative, practical, and sustainable solutions to their challenges. By enhancing financial sustainability, operational efficiency, measurement of social impact, and more, we strive to maximize the potential and social impact of our partners.

Benefits to joining this branch


Professional Development

Enhance your consulting skills through hands-on experience and real-world problem-solving. As a part of our 180DC branch, you will have the opportunity to work closely with clients, tackle complex challenges, and develop valuable consulting expertise. This practical experience will sharpen your problem-solving abilities, strategic thinking, and client management skills, setting you apart as a competent and versatile consultant.


Social Impact

Make a tangible difference in your community and beyond. By joining our 180DC branch, you become an integral part of a network dedicated to creating positive social impact. Through our pro-bono consulting services, you will collaborate with non-profits and social enterprises, helping them overcome obstacles, improve their operations, and maximize their social impact. Your contribution will directly contribute to meaningful change, making the world a better place.


Network and Connection

Expand your professional network and forge valuable connections within the consulting and social impact sectors. As a member of our 180DC branch, you will have the opportunity to interact with like-minded individuals, including fellow student consultants, industry professionals, and representatives from non-profit organizations. These connections can lead to future career opportunities, mentorship, and collaborations, enriching your professional journey and opening doors to new possibilities.


Personal Growth and Leadership

Develop essential personal and leadership skills that will empower you in both your professional and personal life. Through your involvement in our 180DC branch, you will cultivate qualities such as teamwork, effective communication, adaptability, and resilience. Additionally, you will have the chance to take on leadership roles, manage teams, and drive impactful projects. These experiences will not only boost your self-confidence but also equip you with the skills necessary for success in any endeavor you pursue.

Contact details

Avinguda de la Torre Blanca, 59, 08172 Sant Cugat del Vallès, Barcelona

Latest Case Studies

Coming soon.

Leadership Team

Matilda Minarelli


Regina Luna Cadena

Marketing Director

Joana Roel


Guillermo Masella Pol

Finance & Legal Director

Michael Stegmaier

Strategic Relations Director

Gianmaria Ibello

Consulting Director


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Become a 180DC member

Want to make a difference while gaining valuable skills? Join 180 Degrees Consulting and become part of a global network of social impact leaders.

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Work with us

Interested in working with a team of smart, driven consultants that will help you address key challenges you are facing? Explore our different services offerings, and reach out to us for a discussion - we look forward to speaking with you!

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Become our Partner!

Are you interested in partnering with 180 Degrees Consulting to further our mission of enabling non-profits and social enterprises to scale their impact, while empowering the next generation social impact leaders? Reach out to us for a discussion.

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